Monika, tea

The Weirdo Behind This Blog

Hello, I’m Monika and I’m very sorry you found my blog because its really not that amazing. I wish it was but if you stay you can help me make it awesome.


But there are ten things that you should know about me:

  1. I am the ultimate procrastinator and a hopeless insomniac.

  2. I love watching TV and anime.

  3. My other hobbies include mostly all seven arts and eating chocolate...Uhuhuhuh and sleeping.

  4. I read mostly YA since I’m a teenager girl.

  5. I aspire to be someone in filmography, photography, psychology and writing fields.(Let’s hope that happens some day.)

  6. I have try many times to start a blog but always fail. I guess I’m not blogger material because I horrible when it comes to grammar and spelling.

  7. Technology doesn't like me at ALL!!!

  8. When I'm not fangirling about the things I love, I'm daydreaming.

  9. I will have those weird moments in which you are going to be like” isn't this book blog?” because I’ll post random things.

  10. Finally…I suck in this about me so you have to stay to really know me (evil laugh!)


Like I said I'm Monika and I like to read since a young age thanks to Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. My father read it to me so if something goes wrong, we are going to blame him. Feel free to correct me and comment  in anything.  


Should I put I joke?…Well I would make one about noble gases but it would get no reaction.




P.S. I don't know how to put  Tumblr with the other URLS so yeah...